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African Development Bank. “African Development Bank’s Fashionomics Africa, partners, launch new sustainable fashion competition with $6,000 in cash prizes.”

African Development Bank
Published On
February 6, 2023
Original Date
February 11, 2022

African Development Bank. “African Development Bank’s Fashionomics Africa, partners, launch new sustainable fashion competition with $6,000 in cash prizes.” February 11, 2022. https://www.afdb.org/en/news-and-events/press-releases/african-development-banks-fashionomics-africa-partners-launch-new-sustainable-fashion-competition-6000-cash-prizes-49103

“The African Development Bank Fashionomics Africa initiative’s second online competition is offering $6,000 total in cash prizes, mentoring, new branding packages and other support for winning African designers of sustainable and circular fashion. The competition celebrates African fashion brands that will change how we produce, buy, use and recycle fashion and that encourage a more sustainable shift in consumer practices. “Sustainability is the present, not the distant or even the near future. It is where we are now, and it is vital that we open our eyes to what the fashion industry already has to offer. By embracing the industry’s existing resources, we are promoting circularity at the most fundamental level,” said Amel Hamza, Acting Director for Gender, Women and Civil Society at the African Development Bank. “With the second edition of the Fashionomics Africa contest, the Bank aims to continue highlighting the ingenuity that African fashion designers consistently demonstrate through the strength of their culture and heritage,” she added.”

[Source: Excerpt from the article].

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