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Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine. "The Ambivalent Role of Chiefs"

Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine
Published On
January 24, 2023
Original Date

Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine. "The Ambivalent Role of Chiefs: Rural Decentralization Initiatives in Malawi." In State Recognition and Democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 53-78. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2007.

Chiweza argues that democratic decentralization initiatives in Malawi have rather sought to reduce the role and influence of the chiefs in favor of locally elected local government councilors. Yet this has not succeeded in eroding chieftaincy as chiefs still have increased roles and influence in the rural areas. This makes the position of the local councilors a loose one. Because the chiefs act both as intermediaries and gatekeepers to the rural community, they have gained increased recognition as key development actors at the local level. As a result, donor agencies  and NGOS who wish to carry out activities within such communities require the chiefs’ authority and support for their programs. Chiweza concludes that the position of the chiefs and their constant engagement and interaction with locals makes them more visible as compared to the local councilors.

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