Thomas Kwasi Tieku
Faculty – Professor of Political design
Thomas Kwasi Tieku is an Associate Professor of Political Science in King’s University College at The University of Western Ontario (UWO) and a member of the Advisory Board of The Africa Institute at UWO. He is the Former Director of African Studies at the University of Toronto where he won the Excellence of Teaching Award.
He has also coordinated the Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) program at King’s, served as the Lead Researcher at the Centre for International Governance Innovations (CIGI), and was 2017 Carnegie Fellow at the University of Ghana, Legon. His current research, which is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, focuses on African regional institutions, international organizations, informality, conflict mediation and backchannel negotiations.
He is the author of Governing Africa: 3D Analysis of the Performance of African Union, U.S-Africa Relations in the Age of Obama and co-editor of African Actors in international Security and The Politics of Peacebuilding in Africa. In addition, he has written over three dozen refereed book chapters and journal articles, which have appeared in publishing outlets such as African Affairs, International Studies Review, International Negotiation, Journal of Modern African Studies, Oxford Encyclopedia of Politics and Review of International Studies.
He has served as a consultant to several organizations and governments, including the World Bank Group, the UN, the African Union, The Centre for International Governance Innovations, and the governments of Canada and the United States.